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General Information

The Best Friend Dog Park was founded to provide a place where dog owners could take their dogs for a safe, outdoor off-leash romp with other dogs. The City of Huntington Beach has provided a 1.7 acre site for the dog park bordering on Edwards Street near the intersection of Inlet Avenue.

The dog park is supported SOLELY by contributions from users of the dog park and from other private citizens.  We receive absolutely no financial support from the City of Huntington
Beach or from any other governmental agency.


The dog park is separated into two sections. The larger section is for large dogs. The smaller section, measuring about a half acre, is for small dogs and/or larger dogs with handicaps. From the Small Dog side there is a beautiful view of Lake Huntington!  There are drinking stations supplied with fresh water located throughout both sides of the dog park. In addition, there are canopied areas throughout the dog park for protection from the sun. 


Admission to the dog park is absolutely free.  In addition to fresh water for your dogs, we provide poop bags located in dispensers throughout the dog park.




In 1995, the City of Huntington Beach granted the land for a Dog Park for a three month trial. The only restriction was that the park had to be maintained and funded entirely by The Friends of The Huntington Beach Dog Park and community donations.  The park opened in May of 1995. Donations to the dog park are tax deductible.  

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